Activate Your Business Link



Common Questions

How do I get my photo on top of the page?
It is first come first served. Early sign-ups get you the best top location. You will always have that location unless you do not renew the next year. Your position will move up if others above you do not renew annually.

How do I know if a Page is available?
We typically have 12 spots for businesses per attraction page.
If the photo or listing is not linked to your specific page when you scroll over it, then it is available to take that spot for yourself.

Can I link to Open Table or
Yes, we can link your business to your website or to any booking site.

Can I link my listing to a booking site and my photo to my website?
Yes, we can do that.

Can I link my business to any page I select?
Yes, we can link your business to any page on the site as long as the 12 spots are not taken.

Can I just list my business and not link it to my website?
Yes, but it is the same price as linking to your website or social media page. We recommend linking.

Can I have my own attraction page?
Yes and No. To build an attraction page is $1,500 but it must be approved by us as an attraction. Email us for confirmation.

I noticed my business photo is already on some of the Pages. Will it always be there?
Yes and No. Yes, if you subscribe to the annual fee. If you are not subscribing, then at some point your photo and listing will be removed and that spot will be given to another business. You must always pay to be linked.

Can I change my Photo?
Yes, but only if you are paying for an annual subscription on that page.