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- Porter’s Grill & Pub
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- Stick’s at Spanish Bay
- The Inn at Spanish Bay
- Casa Palmero at Pebble Beach
- The Lodge at Pebble Beach
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- Porter’s Grill & Pub
- Hay’s Place
- Gallery Cafe
- Stillwater Bar & Grill
- The Tap Room
- Stick’s at Spanish Bay
- The Inn at Spanish Bay
- Casa Palmero at Pebble Beach
- The Lodge at Pebble Beach
- La Playa
- Martine Inn
- Carmel Green Lantern
- L’Auberge Carmel
Authors Comments:
Poppy Hills Golf Course is a scenic gem located on the 17-mile Drive between Carmel and Monterey. It is a much more friendly course than people say, especially now that they keep the rough short. I have always enjoyed this course and one day, my son and I enjoyed it so much we played it twice in the same day.
Prices have gone up since then, but it is still less than Pebble Beach. I highly recommend you join the Northern California Golf Association for less than $50, which gives you close to a 50% discount. Non-NCGA members are $300 with cart so you can cut that in half with membership. $105 with cart at twilight, but you best try for the first twilight tee-time to make it around by dark.
You also get the NCGA discount at some of my other favorite course. Local discounts are at Poppy Hills Golf Course, Bayonet, Blackhorse, Carmel Valley Ranch, and Poppy Ridge in Livermore. If you are up near Truckee, one mile north is Graegle Meadows, Whitehawk, and my absolute favorite Coyote Moon….all in the same area, and all NCGA discounted courses.
As a note, Pebble Beach is almost impossible to get on unless you are lodging there. 18-month advance t-time with lodging and 24-hour advance if you do not lodge. Highly unlikely. Lodging is $1,000 to $8,000 per day with advanced t-times available. Even then, just the golf will run you over $600 a round. Caddie is an extra $150 plus tip.