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- Cafe Wisteria
- Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse
- Saint Michael’s Alley
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- Menlo Tavern
- Cafe Wisteria
- Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse
- Saint Michael’s Alley
- Nobu Palo Alto
- Sundance Steakhouse
- Menlo Tavern
Authors Comments:
The Allied Arts Guild is a small village of working artists that have made their studios and shops open to the public. It’s a good spot for lunch when visiting Stanford University. The architecture of the village ranges from barns, Payne window-framed shops, to accurately restored Mission style arches, staircases, tile roofing, fountains, wrought iron, and colorful steppingstones.
Rose Alley is one of my favorite sections with labeled “tree roses” on both sides of a 100-foot-long herringbone brick and box hedge pathway. There are multiple sitting areas and courtyards to enjoy that are used for small gatherings and weddings.
You can also rent a fully “tech-equipped” corporate boardroom that is available to the public and seats about 20. Allied Art Guild is nestled in a quaint residential area just over the San Francisquito Creek from Stanford Shopping Center. Use your phone GPS to get there, as there is no road that directly crosses the creek.
As you are leaving Allied Arts Guild, follow Creek Drive toward El Camino Real to see some of the unique cottages and homes in the neighborhood. Give yourself about an hour or more to stroll the property.