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- Hay’s Place
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- Roy’s at Pebble Beach
- Stillwater Bar & Grill
- Stick’s
- Mission Ranch Restaurant
- Hay’s Place
- The Bench
- Roy’s at Pebble Beach
- Stillwater Bar & Grill
- Stick’s
- Mission Ranch Restaurant
Authors Comments:
The 17 Mile Drive is another attraction that everyone should experience when they visit Silicon Valley. The drive is actually less than 17 miles, one way, unless you do the full loop. I recommend taking just the ocean side of the loop and skip the inland portion. You are going to begin your drive well before the 17 Mile Drive gate. Start at “Lovers Point” on Ocean Avenue in Pacific Grove and continue west.
Pacific Grove is lined with trendy beach homes, and you will pass by Rocky View Beach and Asilomar State Beach. A few years back, I drove by Asilomar Beach and there were easily 1,000 people doing Tai Chi, in perfect synchrony. It was quite a sight to see.
Ocean Avenue will become Sunset Drive. Take that until it turns back inland and brings you to the Pacifica Grove gate. Pay the fee and make sure they give you a map of the sights. You will see the Lone Cypress and drive through the famous Pebble Beach Golf Course. In the 50’s and 60’s you could walk right up to the Lone Cypress, but today it is fenced off to protect the fragile tree. Pebble Beach gift shop and restaurants are open to the public.
There are many beautiful beaches along the drive to stop at. Exit when you get to the first Carmel gate and continue to the Village of Carmel. All the homes along the drive are private so please respect their property. You will find plenty of turn outs to stop for photos.
If you are near Spanish Bay Resort just before sunset, I highly recommend their “happy hour” at Roy’s restaurant. They have seven fire pits where you will meet other travelers from all over the world, and to top it off, they have a bagpipe player who walks the first fairway and ends up at the fire pits. Bagpipe times range from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. depending on the season. Call Sticks Restaurant (831-647-7470) to see when the Bagpiper starts and to make your reservation.